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Sunday, January 1, 2012

At a glance the simple list of countries/territories of Asia Continent


Asia has three important political division: West Asia, South Asia and North Asia.The all countries included in this three division short name and formal name has been provided in this post.soon we will have individual map and specification of all the countries of Asia.

Country -- Formal Name

Afghanistan -- Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Armenia -- Republic of Armenia

Azerbaijan -- Republic of Azerbaijan

Bahrain -- Kingdom of Bahrain

Bangladesh -- People's Republic of Bangladesh

Bhutan -- Kingdom of Bhutan

Brunei -- Brunei Darussalam

Cambodia -- Kingdom of Cambodia

China -- People's Republic of China

Cyprus -- Republic of Cyprus


India -- Republic of India

Indonesia -- Republic of Indonesia

Iran -- Islamic Republic of Iran

Iraq -- Republic of Iraq

Israel -- State of Israel


Jordan -- Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Kazakhstan -- Republic of Kazakhstan

Korea, North -- Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Korea, South -- Republic of Korea

Kuwait -- State of Kuwait

Kyrgyzstan -- Kyrgyz Republic

Laos Lao -- People's Democratic Republic

Lebanon -- Republic of Lebanon


Maldives -- Republic of Maldives


Myanmar -- Republic of The Union of Myanmar

Nepal -- Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Oman -- Sultanate of Oman

Pakistan -- Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Philippines -- Republic of the Philippines

Qatar -- State of Qatar

Russia -- Russian Federation

Saudi Arabia -- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Singapore -- Republic of Singapore

Sri Lanka -- Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Syria -- Syrian Arab Republic

Tajikistan -- Republic of Tajikistan

Thailand -- Kingdom of Thailand

Timor-Leste -- Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Turkey -- Republic of Turkey


United Arab Emirates

Uzbekistan -- Republic of Uzbekistan

Vietnam -- Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Yemen -- Republic of Yemen

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