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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Physical Map Of China Indicating the locations of landforms

China Physical Map Elevation

China the second largest country according to land area, located in Esatern Asia.People's Repu
blic of China is the Official name of china is the most populas country having over 1.3 billion people.China has a largest land area, rivers, mountains and deserts.

Physical map of china indicte the location of landforms such as deserts, mountains and plains.It also displays the
major cities and regions.this map can be used to see elevation and land contours and major rivers also lakes.

To make all the images accurate it' our heartened policy.However any employees do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Rivers map Of India Showing the Rivers Flowing in and out side of India

India has a large number of rivers beside largest lands area. Rivers of this country play a vital role in the lives of the Indian people. The systems of various revers provide irrigation, portable water, cheap transportation, electricity and the livelihoods for this populous country.Maximum major cities of India are located at the banks of the rivers.This also contain an important role in Hindu Mythology and Holy by the all Hindus in India.

India has prime two river system one is The Himalayan River System and another is The Peninsular River System.All of the river system included this two system have been showed to the map.All of major & non major rivers which are inside, outside and their location are specified by this image.

Rivers Map of India

Physical Map of India specifies major rivers, hills, plateaus, plains, beaches, deltas and deserts

Physical Map Of India

India is the seventh largest country according to geographical area and located in south Asia. India is also the second largest populous country having over 1.2 billion people.It is a country of great diversity with a wide range of landforms types, including major mountains ranges, deserts, rich agricultural plains and hilly jungle regions. India is divided into 3 main geological regions: the Indo-Gangetic Plain, the Himalayas, and the Peninsula region.

You can also see the black and white physical features of India from this link.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

At a glance the simple list of countries/territories of Asia Continent


Asia has three important political division: West Asia, South Asia and North Asia.The all countries included in this three division short name and formal name has been provided in this post.soon we will have individual map and specification of all the countries of Asia.

Country -- Formal Name

Afghanistan -- Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Armenia -- Republic of Armenia

Azerbaijan -- Republic of Azerbaijan

Bahrain -- Kingdom of Bahrain

Bangladesh -- People's Republic of Bangladesh

Bhutan -- Kingdom of Bhutan

Brunei -- Brunei Darussalam

Cambodia -- Kingdom of Cambodia

China -- People's Republic of China

Cyprus -- Republic of Cyprus


India -- Republic of India

Indonesia -- Republic of Indonesia

Iran -- Islamic Republic of Iran

Iraq -- Republic of Iraq

Israel -- State of Israel


Jordan -- Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Kazakhstan -- Republic of Kazakhstan

Korea, North -- Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Korea, South -- Republic of Korea

Kuwait -- State of Kuwait

Kyrgyzstan -- Kyrgyz Republic

Laos Lao -- People's Democratic Republic

Lebanon -- Republic of Lebanon


Maldives -- Republic of Maldives


Myanmar -- Republic of The Union of Myanmar

Nepal -- Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Oman -- Sultanate of Oman

Pakistan -- Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Philippines -- Republic of the Philippines

Qatar -- State of Qatar

Russia -- Russian Federation

Saudi Arabia -- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Singapore -- Republic of Singapore

Sri Lanka -- Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Syria -- Syrian Arab Republic

Tajikistan -- Republic of Tajikistan

Thailand -- Kingdom of Thailand

Timor-Leste -- Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Turkey -- Republic of Turkey


United Arab Emirates

Uzbekistan -- Republic of Uzbekistan

Vietnam -- Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Yemen -- Republic of Yemen

The Map of Asia included three political division(West, North and South Asia)

Map Of Asia
Asia has three important recognized political divisions: The Middle East, (or West Asia) countries are colored a lighter shade of gray; Southeast Asia (or South Asia) countries are colored a medium shade of gray, and North Asia countries are colored a darker shade of gray. Note that European Russia is also considered a part of the Asian Continent.

In the world Asia is the largest and most populous continent located in the eastern and northern hemispheres of the planet.It covers almost 30 percent of worlds total land area and proximately 3,879,000,000 which is 60 percent of the world's current human population.48 countries included in this continent. a simple list of this countries will be visible at another post of this site.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Physical Map Of United States of America specify with all important cities and states

Physical City Map Of USA

Now we have provided the city maps of USA which provide details geographical information about all the cities of different states in USA.All major cities of USA have been specified in this map.The total fifty states of America which is sub-divided into cities, towns and villages are taken place in this map. The federal district of USA is Washington DC also the capital of USA is located on the north eastern part of the country.Texas is the largest city of the country and Austin is the capital of this state.Other some important cities in the state Texas are Midland, Houston, Dallas and San Antonio.The another important city of America cause of population is situated in the state New York.But the capital of this state is Albany.Other some major cities of this states are Rochester, Buffalo and Yonkers.In the California state the California city is most popular as holiday city in USA.Other main cities under this state are Los Angels, San Jose, San Francisco and San Diego.

The USA map gives you a comprehensive idea about the exact location of the numerous cities located all over America.This not only help you as travel guide but also be used for other many purposes like education, projection and printing.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Physical FeaturesMap of Japan

Here you can find a physical features map of Japan for download or printing. Japan is an archipelago consisting of more than 3,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean, in Northeast Asia. Its 4 biggest islands are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku.

Japan lies to the east of Korea and China, and to the southeast of Russia. The southermost Ryukyu islands of Okinawa prefecture are very near the Republic of China (Taiwan). And the island of Hokkaido borders Russia in the Sea of Okhotsk, where Russia currently occupies the southern Kuril islands that the USSR seized from Japan in WWII, subsequently expelling the Japanese residents.

Japan's total land area is 377,873 km² (145,883 square miles), though 70-80% of the country is mountainous uninhabitable land. That gives Japan's mainly coastal inhabitable areas an extremely high population density, with 130 million people squeezed into limited space. The coastal strip around Osaka Bay, extending from Hyogo Prefecture through Osaka and Wakayama Prefectures, is like one sprawling megacity with no uninhabited areas. I should know, because I live here! (^0^)/
Greater Tokyo is even more massive and densely populated.

the earliest known term used for maps in Japan is thought to be kata (形, roughly "form"), which was probably in use until roughly the 8th century. During the Nara period, the term zu (図) came into use, but the term most widely used and associated with maps in pre-modern Japan is ezu (絵図, roughly “picture diagram”). As the term implies, ezu were not necessarily geographically accurate depictions of physical landscape, as is generally associated with maps in modern times, but pictorial images, often including spiritual landscape in addition to physical geography.

Ezu often focused on the conveyance of relative information as opposed to adherence to visible contour. For example, an ezu of a temple may include surrounding scenery and clouds to give an impression of nature, human figures to give a sense of how the depicted space is used, and a scale in which more important buildings may appear bigger than less important ones, regardless of actual physical size. In the late 18th century,

Dutch translators in Nagasaki translated the word kaart (“map” in Dutch) as chizu (地図, now the generally accepted translation for “map”) into Japanese. From Kansei 12 (寛政12年, 1800) to Bunsei 4 (文政4年, 1821), Ino Tadataka (伊能忠敬) led a government-sponsored topographic survey group and organized the first scientific map of the entire nation of Japan (although earlier government survey maps of the entire country were made in the Tokugawa period), a map which became widely known as the Ino-zu. Later, the Meiji government officially began using the Japanese term chizu in the education system, solidifying the place of the term chizu for "map" in Japanese.

The map was actually published in Japan in 1914 and the Japanese script is faithfully - apart from some misspellings - rendered into English with the correct dual names and also title added at the bottom of the print.